Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Have I mentioned I love the ocean?!

The view on the way home.  This is the spot called the Purdy Spit.  There’s a tiny little town by my house called Purdy and when I’m heading home, I have to drive on the Spit (piece of land connecting two other pieces of land with water on either side).  The view from the Spit is awesome though.  People park on the side and throw parties down on the beach.  We’ve flown kites and gone looking for shells down there as well.  There’s lots of driftwood too.  The beach is on the other side of the bushes…you have to walk down this rocky area to get to it.  But when the tide is in, there’s hardly any beach at all!  When the tide is out, though, the beach goes out quite a ways and forms little islands.  It’s pretty cool to walk out where the water usually is :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's.......

Construction.  Construction, construction, construction!  That’s all there is downtown anymore!  My work building is being worked on, we’ve got a new building going in next door, this one is where an old church used to be across the street from my bus stop.  Seattle is one huge construction site – that’s all it is!  These cranes scare me, too.  They’ve fallen over before.  Could you imagine if that happened with you in/on/near it?!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Lots of Updating!

Pictures coming tomorrow (I hope).  My vacation is over and I've got a bunch to share from being away!  They will be back-dated :)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Almost, but not quite....

I almost wish I was catholic so I could go to this school or send my kids there.  I see this church from the freeway in Tacoma every day on my way to/from work and I just love it!  This is the type of architecture I love to stare at.  I don’t know much about it though.  I don’t even know how to get to it!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

I think I'm going to move into a tent so I can live here forever

I went hiking with my best friend, Annalisa, to Shi Shi Beach on the western Olympic Peninsula coast.  It was so gorgeous!  We had quite an adventure though – it’s a 4 hour drive from my house to begin with.  Then we were driving down to the beach and found out the directions my GPS was taking us was down a forest service road – not a road you should really be driving on.  So once we got turned back onto the main road, we found where we were supposed to hike.  It was a 2 mile hike down, then we walked along the beach, rock climbed a small rock formation (where I got this shot from) and then hiked back to the car 2 miles.  Then headed home.  It was a fun (but exhausting) day!  I love hiking and being in nature so much.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Back home.  How tired do I look?  I wish I had a better picture of me from that day.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Wait a tick...

Last day in Orlando, so we visited the Ripley’s Believe it or Not museum/building.  It was pretty cool!  The whole outside of the building was tilted and there was a tilted room inside, but otherwise, it was a bunch of random artifacts.  There were shrunken heads and stuffed animals and European dolls and stuff.  Just a bunch of random things!  Artwork made out of random materials.  It was pretty cool.