Wednesday, June 8, 2011


This is Xena, the most precious thing in the known universe. She is so sweet and lovely that everything she does is adorable, even when she occasionally poos on the floor (she's not that bright and doesn't quite understand the litter tray). She's nearly 15 now, which makes me very sad.

This is a picture of her doing one of her favourite things, sitting in the patch of sunlight coming in through the French windows. She did a good job of looking at the camera.

(I would just like to add that I am in no way responsible for the carpet - it was there when we moved in.)

1 comment:

  1. Each of our cats has their own little thing as well. One won't go in a covered litter box, one flicks the litter all over the floor, and the other one will go potty on the litter, no matter where it is!
